Are you ready to stop the binge cycle,
and reclaim your life?



 A proven 4-month transformative journey to end binge anxiety and regain your life and confidence.

to book a kickstarting clarity discovery call

Are you frustrated because…..

You promise to be good from tomorrow, only find yourself bingeing again and agian?

You mindlessly go through packets of food with Netflix?

Foods are your only safe space to handle your emotions and stress?

You wish you could have the same level of control around food as your friend?

You wish you could just eat and live normally like others 😢….


Binge freedom is not about control.
It’s about liberation.

My clients have learned that…

Food Freedom

Don’t restrict, try freedom!

Binge eating and food cravings are often a result of a scarcity mindset. Instead of controlling, try build the abundance mindset.

Mindset Shift

Harness the power of self-kindness!

Self-blaming & shame talk triggers the powerless side of us, while self-kindness empowers us to make changes.

Body Trust

Your body can be trusted!

Your body’s natural cues are your superpower around eating. You can harness the power by building trust with your body.



 A proven 4-month transformative journey to end binge anxiety and regain your life and confidence.

How This Can Help You

Reclaim A Binge-Free Lifestyle

Stop binge eating once and for all.

You are finally able to eat just like your friends - eat what you want and what you love without feeling guilty and anxious about the unpredictable binge eating.

Be Free From Food Thoughts

Obtain peace of mind to enjoy life

You are no longer bothered by the constant food thoughts, negative self-talks and self-loathing. You can finally focus on your career, friendship, love life, and family

Body Respect

You are more in love with yourself

You will learn to accept and respect your body, and you finally can rock the clothes you always wanted to put on but never did because you are scared of judgment.

What’s Included

4x Monthly Private Calls

[Value: $800]

Where we will have in-depth discussions to remove your roadblocks together

Weekly Check-Ins

[Value: $1200]

Where you will get timely feedbacks on your questions and accountability support, so you are pumped all the way!

Extended Access to Exclusive Portal

[Value: $1000]

Where you gain access to over 50 lessons with easy-to-follow video you can come back to when you feel stuck

Unlimited Personalised Messaging Support

[Value: $1600]

Get access to support from a binge dietitian anywhere, anytime. No more wait until next appointment to make changes

You Will Get These Exclusive BONUSES

There’s More!

Nutrition Quickstart Guide

[Value: $99]

Give you a kickstart and fast-track nutrition recovery by setting up a foundational safe ground diet.

Self Compassion Playbook

[Value: $149]

You can fast-track to building self-compassion, reduce negative self-talk, and master mindful eating

Food Freedom Cookbook

An ultimate cookbook include 120+ recipes to help you nourish your body without food rules and binge.

[Value: $279]

My Proven Binge Free Formula Roadmap

  • The goal of this phase is to repair our relationship with body by building a sense of safety for our bodies to heal and later explore.

  • The goal of the this phase is to foster a 2-way communication between our bodies and brains. And utilising this communication to build trust and reclaim our ability to eat intuitively

  • The goal of this phase is to build up the skills to thrive as a binge-free intuitive eater, includes growing body-food confidence and toolbox for setbacks.


Working with Malcolm has given me so much confidence in myself around eating and food, and it has helped me understand my body so much more.
- Kristy, Australia

Malcolm has been so supportive during my journey. I couldn’t imagine I could enjoy food more than ever. I really appreciate his help and guidance.
- Laraine, Hong Kong

Hi, I am Malcolm, a binge-eating specialised dietitian.

In my 13 years of living with a Binge Eating Disorder, I was haunted by food thoughts, dissatisfaction with my body, and being misunderstood.

That’s why now as a dietitian, I am dedicated to providing inclusive help to people who struggle with binge eating, emotional eating, and overeating to regain confidence around food and their bodies without restriction and relying on willpower.

After 5-year of self-recovery, countless hours of binge eating training, and experience working with 100+ clients have led to the create a program that includes a clear roadmap and the solutions to all the obstacles you will encounter on your journey to binge freedom.

I know how it feels like to be trapped
in the binge cycle

EDRD Pro Member Badge

Who Is It For?

Binge Free Formula is not for everyone, and we’d rather be upfront….

The BFF is PERFECT for you if….

✅ You struggle with being out of control around food and feeling guilty about how much you eat.

✅ You constantly thinking about how to eat less food, keep on a diet, and be good but end up bingeing in front of the fridge.

✅ You are tired of being the odd one out when you eat out as a group and always wish you could just eat ‘normally’.

✅ You have tried different diets and lifestyle hacks to control eating and change your body.

✅ You have been told the reason you binge is because you lack self-control or discipline.

✅ You want to take a scientific approach and follow a roadmap that has been proven to work

It’s likely not a MATCH for you if….

❌ You don’t struggle with being loss of control around food

❌ You are looking for a magic quick-fix without putting in the effort to change

❌ You are happy to stay where you are in the binge cycle

❌ You are seeking a weight loss program, not a sustainable way to end binge eating from the root up.

❌ You are not interested in the idea of trusting your body and allowing it to guide your eating.

❌ You are not ready to recover yet (and that’s A-OK! Feel free to come back when you are ready!)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! This is a one-of-its-kind high-touch program where you get my undivided attention.

    Between our monthly 1:1 consult sessions to weekly check-ins, you will get plenty of oppotunities to receive tailored feedback and advice from me like no others.

    If you ever signed up for another online course or nutrition bootcamp and feel like you are just a number, I understand.

    My goal is to make sure this is the one-and-only nutrition consult service you will ever need for your binge eating. And I always make sure no questions are left unanswered and you get the tailored support you need to end binge eating, rebuild your confidence and live your best life.

  • First of all, I am so proud of you that you have taken courage to prioritise your wellbeing and, more importantly, still holding up your hope to reclaim your binge-free life!! I understand how hopeless it can feels when every seemingly promising approach disappoint you.

    I have been there, and I created this program intead of providing individual consult sesion is because binge recovery is a JOURNEY. There’s no 1 strategy can take you all the way to binge freedom, not to mention most of the strategies are not binge eating-focused and often misused. 

    That’s why I have lay down the exact pathway – my 3-phase, 7-step framework to take you from wherever you now are to where you want to be. I have also included the strategies for all the obstacles and midblock you will encounter sooner or later in the journey. And beyond that, I will not only guide you to be an intuitive eater, but teach you how to make it sustainable for a busy life so you can focus on what matters to you in life, other than eating.

  • Binge Free Formula is a 4-month high-touch program. It includes online modules, 1:1 consult sessions and weekly check-in support.

    I would recommend my clients to dedicate 1 hour per week on the online modules and accompanied activities.

    Any food experiment, journalling and daily challenge will be 5-10 minutes each and you have all the flexibility to include as much and as little as you like in the weekly check-in form. 

  • You will get 12-month exclusive access to BFF’s exclusive online module portal, where you find all the lessons, resources and juicy bonuses. 

    On top of that we will have 1x 60-minute onboarding session and 4x monthly 1:1 sessions to help you break any major roadblocks. 

    And to add-on, you will be invited to submit check-in form every week, where you can send in questions, progress, help request, and any assets (journal, activity, workbook., etc.). And I will provide you with personalised feedback each week. I highly encourage my clients to use the check-in opportunity as much as they like, as I am here to help you through the journey.

    As someone who had lived with binge eating for over 13 years, I know that unconditional positive support is the rarest thing binge warriors can get, and Binge Free Formula is aimed to act like your BFF on your recovery journey.

  • Absoluely not!

    Although food diary can be a great strategy sometimes, it is not neccessary to keep a food diary. I will teach you how you can use your body's natural instinct to your advantages when it comes to eating.

    This program is focus on seeing binge eating in a different lenses, building your body-mind connection through and food & body trusts through reflection, mind exploration and food experiments.

    I do encourage my clients to keep record all the mindset shift moments and what they have learned throughout the way as a personalised resource for the times they feel unmotivated, defeated and down. However, food diary isn't one of them.

  • Definitely not!

    While meal plans are great tools for serious binge eating disorder recovery, you will not learned to follow a rule in the BINGE FREE FORMULA program.

    This program focuses on building your own intuition when it comes to eating, food and nutrition while end binge eating once for all.

  • You will get immediate access to the course portal when you say yes to join so you can access all the training materials and downloadable resources in the Binge Free Formula. You have 12 months access to the course portal so you can complete it in your own time.

    We will organise your private onbaording call with me as soon as you join so we can deep dive into your unique situation and on areas to focus on to move towards your goal immediately.

    Can't get started right away or have a travel/work plan? That's ok and I want you to get the most out of your time in the program too! Go ahead and submit your application and we will chat about your timeline for getting started.

  • Having lived wtih binge eating with 13+ years and went through a 5+ years recovery journey, I know exactly how you feel and all the obstacles you are having.

    As a binge-speicalised dietitian, I also have experience helping clients to achieve binge freedom even when my clients present with other medical conditions (e.g diabetes, high cholesterol).

    As an ANZ Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician, I was trained specifically to help people to rebuild their relationship with foods and body with NO guessworks. I employed scientific based dietetic and psychological models (including Intuitive Eating, Non-Diet Approach, CBT and ACT) to help my clients to get real and sustainable results.

  • The Binge Free Formula Program is perfect for you even if you're not ready to give up dieting yet.

    I want you to know that BFF is designed SPECIFICALLY for someone like you.

    You may like the idea of eating intuitively and loving your body but you just seem to alway holding onto the thoughts of 'let me try dieting for one more time' and 'If I were xxx like them, I would like my body too'.

    I have dedicated a whole module to help you dismantle this thoughts and this will be a ongoing process as we building body and food trust. Remember, the reason you want to give them up is to live a lifestyle you want instead of living a life being controlled by food and body dissatisfaction.

    And the truth is... You will never feel ready and the only thing that's likely holding you back from binge freedom and the life you want often is contemplation.

  • We believe strongly in our program and if you commit to the process and put in the work, you WILL see a change in you lifestyle and less binge eating.

    When you join BInge Free Formula, you will have immediate access to our proprietary course portal containing program material, knowledge and tools you need to achieve binge freedom. I will provide you with support and guidance everystep of the way. As such, the program is non-refundable.

    That is why the BINGE FREE FORMULA has an application-only process and I will be personally assess if the program is the right one for you in our discovery call.

    And if the program is not the right amount of support for you, I would recommend you for other services as the last thing I want is you not getting the support you need and I feel like a bad person not being able to help you.

    Under the Autralian Consumer Law, we are not obligated to privde a refund if you change you mind. Therefore, we ask that you carefully consider your decision before enrolling and enure you have the time and commitment for a 4-month program

  • I want you to have all the information you need to make an empowered decision for you wellbeing.

    If you have more questions, I'd love to chat to you personally!

    Head over to Instagram and send me a DM @Binge.Free.Dietitian now

Let’s Work Together

Imagine 4 months later…

You are no longer scared of binge eating and being anxious about not knowing when you will binge next. You can hang out with your besties and go on holiday to enjoy all the good food. You will confidently go on dinner dates, and birthday parties and start to live the life your friend will be jealous of.

Imagine the start of every year, you don’t have a New Year resolution to change your body and eating. You are not resentful toward your holiday eating, because binge eating lives in the past.