Timeless Dietetics

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Plant-based Nutrition

What is plant-based nutrition?

Plant based diets are dietary practices that primarily composed of plant-sourced products. However, animal products (including meats) can still be a part of a plant-based diet but only in a very small amount.

What are some popular plant-based diet?

  • Vegan

  • Vegetarian

  • Ovo-lacto vegetarian

  • Semi-/flexi-tarian

  • Pescatarian*

  • Traditional mediterranean diet*

  • DASH diet*

*when small amount of animal sourced products are consumed in the dietary pattern.

Plant-based diets primarily consist of plant-sourced products, with minimal inclusion of animal products, such as meats. Popular plant-based diet variations include:


  • Vegetarian

  • Ovo-lacto vegetarian

  • Semi-/flexi-tarian

  • Pescatarian*

  • Traditional mediterranean diet*

  • DASH diet*

*when small amount of animal sourced products are consumed in the dietary pattern.

These dietary patterns offer numerous benefits, which you can read more here.

What are some common nutrition concerns in plant-based diet?

  • Nutrition deficiencies - Vitamin B2, B12, iron, calcium zinc, etc.

  • Protein adequacy - getting enough protein from high quality protein sources

  • Sports nutrition - struggle to meet needs through a plant based diet

  • Social eating - eating out and going to parties

  • Childhood nutrition - higher nutritional demands and energy density for children in different developmental stages

  • Practical considerations - cooking, food preparation, eating in omnivore a family, etc.

Why working with a dietitian?

Dietitians are medically-trained nutrition professionals, and the only professional that is qualified to provide individual dietary consultation at the moment (Click here to read about dietitian and nutritionist). Dietitians are trained to provide medical nutrition therapy and one-to-one personalised dietary advice. We take in consideration of one’s lifestyle, dietary habits, preference and goals to tailor our nutrition strategies.

What does working with Timeless Dietetic dietitian look like?

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